Buddy Scheme
What is the Buddy Scheme?
The ‘Buddy Scheme’ is a peer-to-peer support scheme coordinated by Nash Dom CIC that supports newly arrived residents to settle in Walsall and lead a fulfilling and active life.
The scheme matches established residents (volunteer buddy) with new residents (buddy) according to their needs, interests and language skills.
It is a flexible and informal scheme, giving buddies the opportunity to meet at a time that is convenient (at least one hour a week). Currently, the buddy and volunteer will meet online. This may extend to face-to-face interaction subject to COVID-19 restrictions.
You can sign up to become a volunteer buddy or receive support through the scheme if you are a new resident.
What is involved?
As a volunteer buddy, you are trained and ready to support new residents with tips and useful information about living in Walsall. You will act as a ‘go to’ person if a new resident has any worries or questions.
As a new resident (buddy), you will receive support from your volunteer buddy. For example - accessing local services, filling in an application form, finding out about local places or simply socialising together. When COVID-19 restrictions are eased, you will be able to meet with your volunteer buddy face-to-face, attend local events, meet up for lunch or just hang out.
It is up to you and your volunteer buddy to decide the activities you would like to do.
Nash Dom CIC and its partners will have a series of events, which you can join. The buddy scheme coordinator will contact you regularly with available opportunities.
Where can I get more information?
For further details, please click the button below to download the information pack.
How do I sign up?
To become a volunteer buddy or be matched with a buddy, please click below to sign up.
You can also call 01922 616444 or email m.maciejewski@nashdomcic.org to sign up, or if you have any questions or difficulties completing the sign up form.
What happens when you sign up?
If you apply to become a volunteer buddy, you will be invited to complete the induction training at Nash Dom Community Hub or over Zoom. The buddy scheme coordinator will inform you about the day, time and programme.
Those who have indicated in the sign up form that they want to receive support and be matched with a volunteer buddy will be invited to the ‘Introduction and getting to know each other’ event, where participants will have the chance to meet with volunteers and make initial contact. The scheme coordinator will also inform you of the next steps.