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We are working in partnership with several organisations to deliver projects as part of our vision to create integrated, empowered and inclusive communities in Walsall. These projects aim to improve social mixing and break down barriers to integration in different ways. Although most of our projects have now finished, we still encourage you to get involved with these organisations. You can find contact details for each organisation on their respective pages.


If you have any questions about our projects, please get in touch with us.

Last updated: 10th December 2021


Walsall Arts for All

Walsall Arts for All is a programme, which seeks to make a positive difference to the lives of children & young people in Walsall, using the arts as a way to help build understanding between different cultures and communities in this richly diverse area.

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Places of Welcome

A Place of Welcome is a place where anybody can go, where they know they will be warmly welcomed, receive free refreshments and a guarantee of being made to feel valued and included. Attending a Place of Welcome can also help with confidence and improving physical and mental wellbeing. 

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School Linking Programme

Working with The Linking Network, the Schools Linking Programme in Walsall was launched in the autumn term of 2018. In 2019, numbers increased to 24 classes with 13 new schools joining the programme, engaging with over 650 pupils. The programme provides opportunities for young people to learn about faith, belief, culture and British Values, with Walsall for All staff providing additional guidance and support, as well as working with delivery partners such as Walsall FC and The New Art Gallery Walsall.

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Caldmore Village Festival

Caldmore Village Festival are planning to organise a one-day event in Walsall, which aims to value all the cultures of Walsall and to provide the opportunity for communities to come together from across Walsall to celebrate diversity and its rich cultural heritage.  


UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools

This project will enable local schools to employ rights-based approaches with young people.  This has a demonstrable impact on integration in some schools as young people are included and feel respected. We are threading this offer to schools with other complimentary projects including School Linking and the Arts Project.

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The National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups

The National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups will ensure Gypsy, Traveller and Roma communities have a clear voice in the Walsall for All programme and the council regarding their challenges and needs. This will strengthen service provision, increase understanding in Walsall of these communities, resulting in reduced tensions and negativity towards them.

To learn more about the work of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, we recommend visiting The Romani Cultural and Arts Company website (a community development organisation using the arts and culture as a vehicle for advocacy and empowerment, amongst the Gypsy, Roma & Traveller communities):

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Black History Month

Black History Month 2021’s theme of ‘Proud to Be’ represented an opportunity to look at identity and to look deeper at the individual experiences of different ages, nationalities and backgrounds as well as the common challenges and perceptions experienced across all of our Black communities.


Community Champions

The Walsall COVID-19 Community Champions Programme was primarily aimed at supporting residents from under-represented groups who may be most at risk from COVID-19. 

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ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) is a programme designed to improve English language skills in the community. Learn English in a friendly environment, meet new people, make friends and get help with local services. Sign up to ESOL classes in Walsall today.

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brap worked with Walsall for All to deliver The Pledge - and ensure a wide range of organisations signed up. They provided follow up support for participating organisations to implement objectives and ethos of The Pledge. Individuals and organisations can still sign up to The Pledge and explore ways of incorporating cohesion and integration into their daily life or work.

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Black Country Innovate CIC

Black Country Innovate are working with Walsall for All on the Walsall Hate Crime Reduction Initiative. In addition, they previously delivered the Saltmine Theatre project "In Their Shoes".

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Youth Ambassadors

Originally delivered by the National Youth Agency, “Your Voice Now” recognises young people’s potential as change makers and encourage them to develop social action projects. Kicsters have taken over this project and the opportunity continues to be open for any young people who would like to become Youth Ambassadors.

Completed projects

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Project completed

DWP Community Connectors

Specialist Community Connectors from DWP supported over 300 women in Walsall with moving forward. To achieve this, they delivered support through different activities and projects, including Empowering Women Workshops, Motivate Your Mind Workshops and Coffee Mornings. 

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Project completed

Walsall Community Transport

Walsall Community Transport enabled integration and social mixing within communities by providing free transport to people and local organisations. Transport can be a significant barrier, particularly for disadvantaged groups. Individuals and organisations were encouraged to take up Walsall Community Transport as an opportunity to offer trips and visits, in order to break down barriers.

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Manor Farm Community Association

Manor Farm Community Association chose sport as a way to bring communities together and people of all ages.

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Walsall FC Community Programme

Walsall FC Community Programme ran cohesion workshops, using football as a medium, to help groups understand differences and cohesively come together with a common purpose.

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Youth Connect

Youth Connect ran detached/outreach and centre-based youth work in local areas in the South locality of Walsall.

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Faith and Belief Forum

The Faith and Belief Forum are a national organisation that worked with Walsall for All to deliver two projects: Walsall Community Dialogue Project and the Walsall Community Recognition Awards. 

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Accord Housing – Age Matters

Accord Housing – Age Matters’ lunch club brought together older people from different communities to socialise whilst enjoying a nutritious meal. The project also promoted digital inclusion and worked on an intergenerational project. 

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Project completed

Nash Dom CIC

Nash Dom CIC delivered two projects - Cohesion through Football and the Welcome Pack & Buddying Scheme.

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Walsall Diversity Project

Working in partnership with the Black Country Chamber of Commerce, DWP and the University of Wolverhampton, this project looked at businesses in Walsall and their approach to diversity and inclusion practices in the workplace. The project incorporated three elements: a research study, a virtual conference and an invitation for participating businesses to make a public pledge celebrating and highlighting their commitment to diversity and inclusivity.


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Deaf Support and Sign Language Cafes

Deaf Support & Care Services’s project encouraged social mixing and integration by means of sign language cafes and other bespoke events.

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Urban Hax

Urban Hax’s creative project created new and lasting bonds across local communities and the experiences gained by taking part rippled to friends, families and neighbours.

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Prince's Trust

The Prince’s Trust ran sessions for young people aged 16 to 30. They engaged with young people in Walsall, particularly those in disadvantaged/hard to reach areas.

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Walsall Creative Factory

Walsall Creative Factory ran a number of activities at their community arts workshop in The Butts, including an Asian Elders drop in on Wednesdays, Geeks Art Club on Mondays (an integrated group supporting teenagers and young adults with learning disabilities) and Homeless and Vulnerable drop-ins on Fridays. 


Project completed

St. Paul's Church

St. Paul’s Church in Walsall Town Centre used their worship space to offer a series of community film nights, which explored the cultures, faiths and histories of the various communities in Walsall and beyond.

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