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What is the Pledge?
The Walsall for All Pledge aims to encourage individuals, groups and organisations to sign up to promoting cohesion, equality, inclusion and integration. Within the pledge are learning opportunities to develop an understanding of these key areas. We are working in partnership with brap to deliver this project.
The pledge is split into two: the People Pledge and Organisation Pledge.
Who can sign the Pledge?
Anyone that wants to visibly declare their support for a more integrated Walsall should sign the pledge. You can be a resident, volunteer, student, elected representative or paid staff member.
Organisations can also sign the pledge. This includes any group, businesses or organisation working with communities.
Please note: The organisation pledge needs to be signed by someone that has the authority to complete this on behalf of your organisation.
Signing the pledge is one of the ways you can:
Declare your support for a more integrated Walsall.
Do what you can to help make Walsall fairer for everyone.
Connect with other people and organisations that share your goals.
How can I sign the Pledge?
Complete the online forms further down on this page.
Downloadable versions of the organisation pledge and people pledge are available if for any reason you are unable to complete it online. You can return the signed form in hard copy format or photograph/scan format.
You can sign the pledge in one of three ways:
What happens after I sign it?
You will receive access to your digital badge and resources, as well as confirmation of sign-up by email. If you do not receive confirmation, please check your junk inbox or email walsallforall@walsall.gov.uk.
Walsall for All collects information for the purpose of recording who has signed up to the pledge and in order to send you further details and resources. For more details on how we use your information, please visit our privacy policy.
What am I being asked to pledge?
People Pledge:
I believe in a Walsall for All. I believe that:
People living, working and socialising together is good for Walsall.
Everyone can and should do their bit to make our town a more integrated place.
I pledge to do my bit by:
Finding new learning and experiences that help me to know and do more.
Working with others to find solutions that make Walsall a fairer place for everyone.
Challenging inequality wherever I can.
Encouraging other people to sign the ‘Walsall for All People Pledge’.
Organisation Pledge:
We believe in a Walsall for All. We believe that:
People living, working and socialising together is good for Walsall.
Everyone can and should do their bit to make our town a more integrated place.
We pledge to do our bit by:
Delivering our services fairly and taking seriously our commitment to inclusion.
Making sure the way in which we recruit and manage our staff and volunteers is fair.
Working with people, groups, and organisations that can help us better understand the challenge and support us to be more inclusive.
Developing new ways to improve how people in our communities live, work, learn, and socialise together.
Encouraging our staff, volunteers, members, and users to sign the ‘Walsall for All People Pledge’.
Below are the words of the pledge.
What's next?
Complete the online form or download a copy of the pledge form below. Alternatively, you can call brap on 0121 272 8450 to register your pledge.
To sign up as an individual (e.g. resident, volunteer, elected representative or paid staff member), please complete the People Pledge.
To sign up as an organisation, please complete the Organisation Pledge.
We recommend using an up-to-date browser to complete the online forms (such as Google Chrome). Once you click submit, a message will appear on the screen to confirm that we have received your details.
A big thanks to you from the people of Walsall.
List of organisations that have signed the Pledge
Parklands Court Nursing Home
Abu Bakr Trust
New Life Resource Centre
Aaina Community Hub
Brownhills Community Centre
Darlaston All Active
Goscote Greenacres Community Garden
IBS Managed Account
Manor Farm Community Association
Nash Dom CIC
One Walsall
Salisbury Primary School
Speak Up, Speak Out, Smash the Stigma of Mental Health
St Matthew's Church, Walsall
The Inspire Group
Thespian Arts Group
Victim Support
Walsall Creative Factory
Walsall Methodist Circuit
Willenhall CHART Trust
Walsall Council Endless Possibilities programme
Romanian+ Community Centre (West Midlands) CIC
Plasma of Hope
Ace Care Agency
Blue Coat C E Infant and Junior Schools’ Federation
Cadmus Inclusive
Darlaston Neighbourhood Policing Team
Harmony Care
Jubilee Academy
Mental Health Team, Walsall Council
Nehemiah Housing
One You Walsall
Rethink Mental Illness Walsall
Serenity Home Care
St John’s C of E Primary School
St Michael's and All Angels Parish Church, Pelsall
The MindKind Projects CIC
Transforming Communities Together
Walsall Black Sisters Collective
Walsall FC Community Programme
Walsall Youth Justice Service
Youth Connect
Multi Kulti West Midlands CIC
A & A Services
A Father's Child Services CIC
Afghan Community and Welfare Centre
Bloxwich Community Partnership
Caldmore Primary Academy
Empowering U Care
Healthwatch Walsall
Kids in Communication (KIC FM)
Mettaminds CIC
North Walsall Primary Academy
Passion 4 Care Ltd
Roma Welfare CIC
SEWA Kitchen - Walsall
St John’s Church, Walsall Wood
Steps to Work
The New Art Gallery Walsall
Union of Muslim Organisations
Walsall College
Walsall Housing Group (whg)
WASUP (World Against Single Use Plastic)
New Testament Church of God - Faith Temple Walsall
Refugee and Migrant Centre
Black Country Impact Programme, Walsall
All Stars Walsall
Bridging the Gap Willenhall
Caretech Community Services
Faith & Belief Forum
Heart Care Healthy Living
Luther Marketing Group
MX Academy
Old Hall People’s Partnership
Pool Hayes Academy
Ryecroft Community Hub
Signs for Worship Walsall
St John's Church, Pleck and Bescot
T.S. Phoenix
The THOMAS Project
United Support Group
Walsall Council Fostering Service
Walsall Link Line
West Midlands Police (Walsall NPU)